Bulk Pumpkins & Squash
Quality, Hand-Harvested Produce Direct from Sauvie Island, Oregon
All crops are hand-harvested. We are G.A.P. certified by the USDA. We are one of Portland's largest suppliers of Pumpkins! Pick up at our farm is offered Monday-Fridays.
This department of the farm only sells to commercial produce buyers. Even in the midst of all the Pumpkin Patch has to offer, our wholesale name, "Delta Farms", has maintained its reputation for quality produce for over 50 years.
No Deliveries | No discounts on bulk pricing
1. Email your order to info@thepumpkinpatch.com 72 hours in advance.
Orders will not be accepted more than 2 weeks in advance.
2. Please specify bin quantities and specific date for pick up. (Mon-Friday 10am-5pm only).
4. Payment due at pickup. Credit card or cash. No payments accepted over the phone. ​​
How to Order:
Orange Pumpkin bins - 35-40 count (~500 lbs) 36" bin - $200.
Orange Pumpkin bins - 25-35count (~500 lbs) 24" bin - $135
Pie Pumpkins bins - 24" bin - (~125 count) - $250
Specialty Pumpkins - Single Varieties (~500 lbs) -24" bin single varieties $250
Specialty Pumpkin Mixed Bin- (~500 lbs) 24" Bin - $275
CLICK HERE To View More Wholesale Pumpkin Varieties
Mini Specialty Pumpkins
Pump-Ke-Mon (White w/orange stripes. ~550 count) 24" bin - $330
White Casparita Mini Pumpkins (All white. ~550 count) 24" bin - $330
Orangita Mini Pumpkins (Mini orange ~550 count) 24" bin - $330
Midnight (All black ~550 count) 24" bin - $330
Mixed Assorted 24'' Bin -$400
Winter Squash
Single Variety Squash 24" Bin: $215
Amber Cup
Gold Danish
Baby Blue Hubbard
Spaghetti ​​
Single Variety Squash 24'' Bin: $200
Sweet Mama/Kabocha
Green Danish Squash 24'' Bin: $135
Mixed Assorted 24" Bin Winter Squash: $250 (Please specify desired varieties).
CLICK HERE To View Winter Squash Varieties
Dried Birdhouse Gourds
$150 Bin ​​
$8 per bunch (Minimum 5)
Large Standard Bales $8 each (minimum 5)
Small 1/2 Bales $6 each (Minimum 5) ​​
Mini Bales 10 in x 5 inches - $4 each (Minimum 5)

Frequently Asked Questions:​
How do you load? We have a loading dock, forklifts, & pallet jacks available to load bins directly into your trucks/trailers. However, if you do not have access to a truck or trailer you are more than welcome to hand load your order.​​
What size are the bins & pallets? A standard pallet size is 48 inches x 40 inches. A standard bin is 24 inches tall & sits on a the pallet. A 36" inch bin also sits on a standard pallet.
Please Note: On mixed bins of pumpkins & squash we do not have a total count for the bins. Pumpkins & squash grow in all different shapes & sizes & thus we cannot predict the quantity in these bins. Bins are sold by volume.
Can someone else pickup my order? Absolutely. However, payment is required on pickup.Payment will not be accepted over the phone.
Do you offer smaller quantities of the items listed above (example: mini pumpkins)? All of the items above are available in our market. If you need smaller quantities please shop directly from our market. Wholesale pricing is only available for bin items/bulk pricing.