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Strawberry Freezer Jam with Liquid Pectin

2 C. washed, stemmed, crushed firm-ripe strawberries
(about 1 qt. whole berries)
4 C. granulated sugar
2 T. fresh lemon juice
1, 3 oz. pkg. liquid fruit pectin

Mix fruit and sugar thoroughly in large bowl; set aside for 10 minutes. Stir lemon juice and pectin in small bowl. (Do not heat the pectin) Stir pectin mixture into fruit mixture. Continue stirring until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is no longer grainy, about 3 minutes. Pour into clean containers. Cover. Let stand at room temperature 24 hours until set. For immediate use, store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Freeze remaining containers for up to a year.
Thaw and store in refrigerator up to 3 weeks.


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Any Fruit Shortcake

Bake at 425
2, 1/4 C. all-purpose flour
1/2 C. sugar
1 1/2 t. baking powder
3/4 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
6 T. (3/4 stick) chilled butter, cut into small pieces
2/3-3/4 C. buttermilk
1 large egg yolk
1/2 t. vanilla
3 T. cream or milk
1/3 C. sliced almonds
1 T. sugar
2 pints fresh fruit
1/3 C. sugar
Ice cream or fresh whipped cream

In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut the butter into the flour mixture until course crumbs form. In a small bowl, mix together 2/3 cup of the buttermilk, egg yolk and vanilla. Stir into the flour mixture until a moist dough forms, adding more buttermilk if needed. Transfer the dough to a sheet of floured waxed paper. Sprinkle the dough with flour. Gently pat to 3/4 in. thick. Using a 3 in. fluted round biscuit cutter, cut out biscuits. Place buscuits 2 inches apart, on prepared baking sheet. Gather dough trimmings, pat to 3/4 in. thickness and cut out more biscuits. Glaze: Using a pastry brush, brush on cream or milk Garnish: After glazing, Sprinkle tops with almonds and sugar.
Bake 11-14 minutes or until lightly golden. Do not overbake. Transfer the biscuits to a wire rack to cool. Slice buscuits, horizontally in half. Place the bottoms on serving plates; add fruit topping and ice cream or whip cream if desired.


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